Search By Writer (Alphabetical Order)
A. Agatha Cristie- "The Secret Of Chimneys", "The Seven Dials Mystery", "Spiders Web", "The Man In The Brown Suit", "Sad Cypress", "A pocket Full of Rye", "The Pale Horse", "Murder Is Easy", "Sparkling Cyanide", "Towards Zero"
Anne Frasier- "Sleep Tight"
Alice Sealbold- "Lucky"
B. Belva Plain - " After The Fire", "Her father's house", " Fortune's hand"
C. Cornelia Funke- "The thief Lord"
Charles Osborne- "Black Coffee", "The Unexpected Guest", "Wow!"
D. Dan Brown- "The Davinci Code"
Dante Alighieri- "Inferno"
David Belbein- "The Beat:Losers", "The Beat: Sudden Death", "The Beat: Black & Blue"
David Eddings- "King Of the Murgos"
David McMillan- "ESCAPE"
Dorothy L Sayers- "Unnatural Death", "Gaudy Night", "Strong Poison", "In the teeth of the Evidence", "The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club"
E. Eoin Colfer- "Artemis Fowl:The Artic Incident"
F. Fannie Flagg- "Standing in the rainbow"
G. George Maekstein- "The Cooler"
I. Ian Rankin- "Dead Souls", "The Hanging Garden", "Knots & Crosses", "Beggars Banquet", "The Falls"
J. James Patterson- "Roses are Red", "Along Came the Spider", "2nd Chance"
Jasper Fforde- "The Big Over Easy", "Something Rotten", "Lost In a Good Book"
Jan Ure- "Dance with Death"
Jeff Robin- "Broken Arrow"
Jeffrey Archer- "Sons of Fortune", "Twelve Red Herrings", "False Impression"
Jill McGowen- "Picture of Innocence", "Birth, Deaths & Marriages"
John Grishom- "The Partner", "The Runaway Jury", "The Firm"
Jodi Picoult- "Salem Falls", "Plain Truth", "Nineteen Minutes", "Perfect Match", "My Sister's Keeper", "Harvesting the Heart" , "Keeping Faith"
Joy Fielding - "The First Time", "Life Penalty"
Judith McNoaught -"Every Breath you take"
John Burdett- "Bangkok 8"
K. Ken Wharfe- "Diana, Closely Guarded Secret"
L. Liz Mills- "Crime Watch"
Lilian Jackson Braun-"The cat who talked turkey"
M. Mario Puzo- "The Last Don"
Micheal Crighton- "A Case Of Need", "State of Fear"
Mark Cole- "The Craft"
Mark Haddon- "The curious incident of the dog in the night time"
Martin H Greenburg- "My Dear Watson"
Martin Oliver- "The Usborne Books of Whodunnits"
Max Allan Collins- "Sin City", "Double Dealer"
N. Nancy Taylor Rosenberg- "Mitigating Circumstances"
P. P.D.James- "Unnatural Cuases", "Shourd for a Nightingale", "Death of an Expert Witness", "The Black Tower", "Devices and Desires", "The Murder Room", "A Taste of Death", "Cover Her Face"
P.G.Woodhouse- "Jeeves: Joy in the Morning", "Pearls, Girls and Monty Bodkin", "Big Money", "The Girl In Blue", "Blendings Castle", "The Luck of the Bodkins"
Patricia Wentworh- "The Clock Strikes Twelve", "The Arlington Inheritance", "The Case Of William Smith"
Paul Doherty- "The Hours Killings"
Patricia Cornwell- "Blow Fly"
Paula laRosa- "Death of a Dream"-
R. Robin Cook- "Outbreak", "Fatal Cure"
Robert B Parker- "Small Vices"
S. Stephen Hawking- "The Tommyknockers", "Bag of Bones"
Stieg Larsson- "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo"
T. Tash Aw- "Harmony Silk Factory"
Thomas Harris- "Silence Of the Lambs & Red Dragon"
Terry Pretchett- "The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents", "Thud!", "Night Watch", "The Dark Side of the Sun"
W. William Sutcliffe- "Bad Influence"