A real comedy set in the current situation in England. Man (Mark) marrying a women (Fay) he loves, she is a talented beautiful model, he a successful chef with an accounting degree. Both husband and wife to be decided to invite their exes to the castle wedding, one of the exes is still very much in love with the man.
The wedding day scenario "Take a bride and groom, several relatives, four 'exes', mix with alcohol, and stand well back. Boom." Add in wickedly funny asides from a gay best friend and "explosive" doesn't even begin to cover it. So it's hardly a surprise that high-flying, high-maintenance model Fay Parker's dream of her big day doesn't quite go according to plan.
Fay is indulging in a little pre-wedding infidelity: "She fumbled with his shirt buttons," and 10 seconds later regretted it: "what exactly was she doing?" So the gorgeous stranger with the intriguing X-factor is sent packing. But be assured we haven't seen the last of him, he turns up at the wedding weekend in a very compromising position.
Mark's "exes" are Jenna, a sweetheart from school, and "feisty, opinionated" Kate. Mark and Kate lived happily together until the stress of Mark's job (as a chef) got in the way. He moved out "wondering if he'd done the right thing". But then he met beautiful, perfect Fay and fell head-over-heels in love. Or, at least he thinks he has. Needless to say Fay and Mark have unresolved issues, especially when the identity of Fay's handsome X-factor stranger is revealed. Cue tears, tantrums and some much-needed emotional honesty, before all is resolved. But who marries whom? Now that would be telling.
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